The remote server returned an error: (405) Method Not Allowed.

This page renders html content in the topic area of the standard OYC master page. The content is embedded in an iframe which redresses to an anchor tag if the iframe fails.

In backend code, this page can be referenced as "OYC.IFramePage".

A 'doc=' parameter is required in the querystring and must specify a URL to the document containing the content of interest. Usually the URL references a page published on another website. All other querystring parameters are optional.

The 'args=' parameter may be used to pass a querystring to the iframe. The querystring is converted from a comma delimited list of key=value pairs and then appended to the URL found in 'doc='.

The 'height=' parameter is useful for adjusting the height of the topic area to better fit the embedded content and possibly minimize scrollbars.

Page Syntax:

oyc-iframe.aspx?doc=url to embedded content

Optional parameters inherited from Master page:
&css=designate an external css style sheet (defaults to none)
&heading=page heading that appears above the iframe (defaults to none)
&height=override the height of the topic area (defaults to auto)
&tab=designate the front tab for the menu bar (defaults to none)
&title=page title that appears on the browser tab (defaults to page name)
&trailer=page trailer/tag line that appears in the footer (defaults to standard OYC non-profit disclosure)

This URL frames the Bing search page within a short (500px) topic area of the OYC website.
