'/data/accomplishments/2021/Granite%20Falls%20Boys%20and%20Girls%20Club/Outdoor%20Adventures%20Club.htm' not found

This page frames html content in the topic area of the standard OYC master page. It is similar to 'oyc-object.aspx' or 'oyc-iframe.aspx' except for HTML rather than more complex formats it is streamed over http, instead of using HTML embedding. In backend code, this page can be referenced as "OYC.HtmlPage".

A 'doc=' parameter is required in the querystring and must specify the URL to a document containing the HTML content of interest. The URL may be the path to a local file or to one published on another website, provided it allows cross-domain access (which is rare, these days).

All other querystring parameters are optional.

The 'height=' parameter is useful for adjusting the height of the topic area to better fit the embedded content and possibly minimize scrollbars.

Page Syntax:

oyc-html.aspx?doc=url (or path) to HTML content

Optional parameters:
&css=designate an external css style sheet (defaults to none)
&heading=page heading that appears above the topic (defaults to none)
&height=override the height of the topic area (defaults to auto)
&tab=designate the front tab for the menu bar (defaults to none)
&title=page title that appears on the browser tab (defaults to page name)
&trailer=page trailer/tag line that appears in the footer (defaults to standard OYC non-profit disclosure)

This URL displays a sample HTML file in a short (500px) topic area of the OYC website.
